Social Enterprise

Image for The organisation transforming derelict homes – and how to support it Positive.News | Partners
The organisation transforming derelict homes – and how to support it In Leeds, a family becomes homeless every seven hours, while over 4,000 properties lie derelict. This organisation is finding a solution Written in partnership with Ethex
Image for The magical moss helping women in rural Peru to become entrepreneurs Positive.News | Partners
The magical moss helping women in rural Peru to become entrepreneurs In the Peruvian Andes, life is not always easy. Now, sustainable harvesting of sphagnum moss is helping women to thrive Written in partnership with Shared Interest
Image for Seeing red: meet the activists making periods positive for all Positive.News | Partners
Seeing red: meet the activists making periods positive for all Taboos around menstruation abound. Luckily, these activists are making bold strides to effect change Written in partnership with Intimina
Image for Six ways to have a positive impact when doing your Christmas shopping
Six ways to have a positive impact when doing your Christmas shopping Want to have a positive impact when Christmas shopping? Here are six things you can do with minimal effort Economics Environment Good Business Social Enterprise
Image for 20 smart ideas that helped make the world better in 2022 Positive.News | Partners
20 smart ideas that helped make the world better in 2022 Big challenges like the climate crisis require big thinking. Here are 20 people, places and ideas driving positive change Written in partnership with Global Good Awards
Image for This fashion label turns refugee lifejackets into statement clothing
This fashion label turns refugee lifejackets into statement clothing A refugee fashion entrepreneur is turning lifejackets worn by asylum seekers into fashion items that support other refugees Economics Social Enterprise Society Wellbeing
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