Sustainable Development

Image for The circular economy is coming to Europe. Here’s how Positive.News | Partners
The circular economy is coming to Europe. Here’s how Three new European policies, from laws on sustainable packaging to textiles, are being rolled out across the continent Written in partnership with Green Alley Award
Image for From dithering to dynamism: how UK businesses can ramp up progress on the SDGs Positive.News | Partners
From dithering to dynamism: how UK businesses can ramp up progress on the SDGs There are just over six years left to meet the SDGs. Here’s how the UK is doing Written in partnership with Thrive Renewables
Image for The Faroe Islands is doing tourism on its own terms
The Faroe Islands is doing tourism on its own terms Once a year the Faroe Islands closes to tourists – except those willing to roll up their sleeves and help fix the place Environment Lifestyle Sustainable Development Travel
Image for How a group of Peruvian coffee farmers are thriving despite the odds Positive.News | Partners
How a group of Peruvian coffee farmers are thriving despite the odds The Amazonas region is a leader in sustainable coffee production. Here’s how one coffee co-op is building resilience Written in partnership with Shared Interest
Image for ‘It can be done. It must be done’: what the latest IPCC report tells us
‘It can be done. It must be done’: what the latest IPCC report tells us Time is running out, but we can still turn things around. A summary of the IPCC report, by two of its authors Energy Environment Society Sustainable Development
Image for Six lifestyle changes that can help avert the climate crisis
Six lifestyle changes that can help avert the climate crisis The IPCC has delivered its ‘final warning’ on climate change, but insists there is still time to act. Here’s how to take action Energy Environment Food Society Sustainable Development
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