
Image for As Ireland’s smartphone school ban is approved, the town where it all began
As Ireland’s smartphone school ban is approved, the town where it all began Fearing the impact of phone use on their children, one town came up with a solution. Now the Irish government is following suit Education Society Wellbeing
Image for Five free online courses to upskill your autumn
Five free online courses to upskill your autumn From mastering the science of happiness to cooking for your gut, these courses will teach you some life skills this autumn Body & Mind Education Wellbeing
Image for This was the summer that women’s sport hit the big time
This was the summer that women’s sport hit the big time From match-fee parity to record viewing figures, professional women’s sport has entered a bold new era Education Sport Wellbeing Youth
Image for The mother of three teaching young people how to make sense of the news
The mother of three teaching young people how to make sense of the news Navigating the news is an increasingly urgent life skill, says the woman who is teaching young people to do just that Education Lifestyle Media Society
Image for Three good things: new state-of-the-art libraries
Three good things: new state-of-the-art libraries Featuring imagination-boosting design and inspiring workshops on all sorts of topics, these institutions go far beyond just books Culture Education Lifestyle Society
Image for Debunking disinformation: seven truth defenders bringing people the facts
Debunking disinformation: seven truth defenders bringing people the facts Fake news is shown to spread faster than the truth. So where can you get the facts? These sources are a good place to start Democracy Education Society
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