Tag: clean energy

Image for What went right this week: a historic pledge for the oceans, plus more
What went right this week: a historic pledge for the oceans, plus more UK coal-use fell to historical lows, an electricity-producing enzyme was discovered, and women’s sport scored wins, plus more Conservation Energy Environment Health Science Society Sport
Image for Five smart ideas to help us reach net zero
Five smart ideas to help us reach net zero As big thinkers are figuring out ways to decarbonise our lives, these innovative solutions are bringing hope for a clean green future Energy Environment
Image for The UK’s first electric car forecourt opens for business
The UK’s first electric car forecourt opens for business The electric-only forecourt is the first of more than 100 such charging stations to open across the UK over the next five years Energy Environment Good Business Innovation Travel UK
Image for Air pollution falls in China after extensive efforts to reduce emissions
Air pollution falls in China after extensive efforts to reduce emissions Annual deaths from air pollution in China have dropped to 1990 levels, following efforts to control emissions Energy Environment Health Sustainable Development World

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