Articles by Jack Palfrey

Image for Airships are back to clean up aviation. Will they take off?
Airships are back to clean up aviation. Will they take off? The low-carbon future of aviation could be powered by a relic from its past. The blimps are back. Who’s on board? Environment Innovation Lifestyle Travel
Image for Six solutions to food waste (plus, what you can do at home)
Six solutions to food waste (plus, what you can do at home) A third of all food produced is never eaten, meanwhile millions go hungry. What can be done? Here are six simple solutions Environment Food Society Wellbeing
Image for Five workable solutions to deforestation
Five workable solutions to deforestation Halting deforestation is vital if we are to solve the climate and biodiversity crises. We have the tools to meet the challenge. Here’s how Conservation Environment Politics Society

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